MLD Fokker D.VII “D-28”

Date in service Date out of service
1920  June 30 1937

The ‘D-28’ had a numer of small and large accidents that all were repaired. After being withdrawn from service is twas destined for a museum but was captured by the Germans after the invasion in may 1940. It was brought to Germany and it’s fate is unknown.

During restoration work on the Fokker D.VII in the Deutches Museum in Munchen, a Dutch MLD serial was found that could be ‘D-28’. But the original ‘D-28’ was fitted with a BMW IV engine and had it’s fuselage redesigned in 1927 while the D.VII in the museum has a Mercedes engine and nothing can be seen of a modified fuselage.


Jachtvliegtuig, eenpersoons jager Fokker D-VII (1920-1937), D-28, op het MVK de Kooy met in de cockpit vgmrme H. Deuster

MLD Fokker D.VII ‘D-28’

Onderhoudshal op De Kooy met onder andere Fokker D.VII registratie D-28 en Fokker C.V registratie Z-5.

Maintenance hangar at De Kooy with the modified fuselage of the ‘D-28’

Jachtvliegtuig, eenpersoons jager, Fokker D.VII-F, (1920-1937). Gemoderniseerde Fokkers D VII-F, (W.O. D-28), op MVK De Kooy

Modernised Fokker D.VII’s from the MLD, ‘D-28’ in the middle.